The DANIELites opened its doors with about forty sites already within its grasp and quickly grew to double that number in less than a year of its inception. This was where you spent most of your time if you wanted to read a wide variety of Daniel Jackson centric fanfiction.
Eventually, the list evolved into the now closed DANIELites Yahoo Group and its popularity later spawned a companion list known as the JACKDANIELites, which is also now closed. The JACKDANIELites Yahoo Group was for those interested in discussions and reading fanfiction centering around the slash pairing of the Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson characters of the Stargate franchise.
At the time of Yahoo Groups closure, both of these discussion groups each had over six hundred members still lurking in their backgrounds, waiting for the occasional posting of new fanart, fanfiction, or a brief discussion.
Unfortunately, the Chaapa'ai, which was the home of the DANIELites is no more and has gone by the wayside via the Wayback Machine. And even though the site is now severely outdated, I will continue to proudly display the member badge since the majority of my Stargate fanfiction is Daniel-centric.