You are free to link to different sections of this website. However, please do not link directly to any of the images found within this site. Those who hotlink to images on this site may start encountering access denied messages upon their next attempt to visit.
This site is ever changing, and files are constantly being relocated, renamed, or deleted. Redirects are setup for major sections of the site only, such as the main entrance page to one of the sections listed under The Archives category. A single story within that archive, however, will not be setup for redirect.
Recommended Bookmarks
As long as this website is operational, its domain name will stay the same. With that said, it is highly recommended that you also bookmark this website's main entrance page at https://www.tciproductions.com/ to avoid dead links or disappearing pages.
For information regarding this website's status, bookmark the Site News tag of my LiveJournal at https://lonie.livejournal.com/tag/sitenews in case this site goes offline or becomes inaccessible for some reason.
Link with Images
For those who prefer to link to this site with images, feel free to choose from the icons, logos, buttons, and banners below. The images represent the various layouts and color schemes for this site since its beginning.
RIGHT CLICK the image of your choice and SAVE to your OWN hard drive, then upload to your OWN website's server. Otherwise, you may start encountering access denied messages.