This site started out as a class project for one of my college courses. The assignment was to create a webpage that contained a brief self-bio, a listing of my hobbies, future career goals, and other personal information about me.
As this was back in the '90s, before social sites became popular, sharing such personal information about myself all over the net just made me feel queasy. So, I chose to take the assignment in a different direction by completely omitting any information I believed was too personal and dove head-first into my hobbies. Specifically, my creative writing hobby. I even included a snippet of a story I had been working on at that point in time, which eventually evolved into a pretty decent sized one-shot.
That one-shot story became my very first fanfic for one of my favorite TV shows. That's right! You guessed it! That TV show was Stargate SG-1.
At that point in time, this site was a mere one pager under the title of Lonie's: The Chronicles.
As the class progressed, I found myself becoming more interested in the HTML language and the creativity involved with designing webpages. So, with a healthy thirst and drive to learn more, I headed to the local Public Library and checked out a cart load of HTML and Web Design related books. Then, spent an entire sleep deprived weekend teaching myself the HTML language. I even took the liberty of contacting the webmasters of a few fan-based websites that I frequented for assistance. They were very nice and offered their assistance, expressing just as much excitement as I was about my endeavor. The week following, I began re-designing my little one-page website.
Finally, around 11pm on Sunday February 14th of 1999, my completely revamped one page website went live and was hosted for free with, what was then known as, GeoCities. The content of the site expanded to include more of my Stargate SG-1 related fanfiction, an episode guide, character guide, and a fairly large section of links to other sites dedicated to the Stargate franchise.
My website was renamed to Lonie's Stargate SG-1: The Chronicles and other Gater-fans took notice and started visiting.
Overtime, the increasing need for more space, along with the annoyance of all manner of ads usually associated with sites that offer free hosting, had me packing up the bulk of my site and relocating to DreamHost. The old site remained online for several years, serving as a mirror to the Stargate SG-1 section of the relocated site, right up until GeoCities shutdown.
The newly relocated site was renamed for the final time to The Chronicles Inc Productions and grew larger and faster than I could have ever expected. The content expanded to include not only my Stargate SG-1 obsession, but also fanfiction for other fandoms, fanworks by guest authors, original works, resources for aspiring authors, and more.
For about two to three years, family matters consumed the bulk of my time and required my full undivided attention. Unfortunately, it was during this time that the renewal of my domain came around. My life online was pretty much non-existent, so I was not available to renew, which resulted in my losing ownership of the domain. The loss of the domain eventually led to the loss of several files and hosting features related to the domain. Fortunately, the hosting plan, itself, was unaffected as I had paid for it several years in advance.
When I eventually returned to my life online, I discovered that my domain had been acquired by some idiot that had it directed to all manner of spam. It took some time, but I was able to re-acquire my domain. And with the domain, came the reemergence of the site.
At present, The Chronicles Inc Productions website is in the process of being restored.
As this site continues to evolve and grow, I will do my best to keep it both entertaining and resourceful for those who take the time out to visit. I truly appreciate your continued support throughout the life span of this site and hopefully, I will be able to continue to hold your interest.
Thank you for visiting and sticking it out with me through the ups and downs of this site!
Your Webmistress,