Unless otherwise stated, the fanfiction, original fiction, and original artwork found within this site may not be posted elsewhere without the consent or agreement of the author(s) or artist(s).
The fanfiction found within this site are stories written by fans that feature characters and settings originally established in a TV series, movie, book, etc. and are for entertainment purposes only. Absolutely no money is earned nor distributed. No copyright infringement is intended. The borrowed characters, their back story, settings, dialogs, images, etc. belong to the various creators of the original source material. Any original characters, themes, ideas, etc. that are not established or explored in the official storyline or plot of the originating source material are the property of the author(s).
The original fiction, its characters, back story, settings, dialogs, images, etc. found within this site are the property of the author(s). Any fanart based on or inspired by the original fiction found within this site is the property of the artist(s).
The original artwork and any gifted fanart found within this site are the property of the artist(s).
All other images, including backgrounds, icons, logos, etc. contained within this site were:
(1) Created by this site's webmistress using local installations of:
(2) Created by this site's webmistress using free online image generators and editors, such as:
(3) Collected from sites that offer free images for web-use, such as:
(4) Collected from a variety of official and non-official resources dedicated to a particular TV series, movie, book, etc. Some of the images have undergone minor modifications to correspond with the ever-changing design of this website. No infringement is intended.